Authorized Wholesale Dealer of Pedestrian Barricades, Traffic Control Devices, Road Construction Barricades with installation Service providers in Bangalore
We Supply folowing Models of Safety Barricades | Low price 1 Meter Barricade | Heavy duty plastic Barricade 1 Meter | Plastic Expandable Barricade | Pvc Fecnce Barricade 2 Meter
Metal movable Barricade | Metal Expandable Barricade | Metal Expandable Barricade 3.5 Meters | Plastic Water filled 2M Barricade Dealers | Nilkamal Barricade low price Dealers | Nilkamal Barricade 1 Meter wholesalers
Some of these barriers, designed to be struck from either side, are called median barriers. Traffic barriers can also be used to protect vulnerable areas like school yards, pedestrian zones, and fuel tanks from errant vehicles.
Safety barriers are used to stop 'out of control' vehicles from leaving the road and hitting roadside hazards, including slopes (roadside barriers) crossing into the path of on-coming vehicles
We are the Dealers and Suppliers of Road Parking and Highway Safety Products in Bangalore Karnataka
Ais Bangalore Highway Road Paking Industrial Saferty
Safety Convex Mirror | Pillar Protectors | Road Speed Breaker | Safety Traffic Cone | Safety Tapes | Safety Barricades | Safety Delinators | Reflective Studs | Traffic Safety Solar | Wheel Stoppers | Dock Bumpers | Cable Protectors | Refelective jackets | Parking Accesseries | IRC Sign boards
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