#70, Kereguddadahalli, Chikkabanavara, Bangalore +91 7996885979

Road Safety Highway solar Warning Blinkers and solar delinators Bangalore

Authorized Wholesale Dealer of Road Safety Highway solar Blinkers solar Warning Led Blinkars and solar delinators with installation Service providers in Bangalore

We Supply folowing Models of Road Safety Solar Products | Solar Blinkar Hexagonal for Barricades and Cones | Solar Delinator Blinkar for Dividers | Solar metal delinator for Road Dividers dealers

LED Blinker AC / DC 300mm Dia | Highway Solar Blinkar Full Set | Baricading solar warning Blinker suppliers in Bangalore

Solar Traffic Blinkers are made of LED's which consume much less power. It blinks and warns the motorist. Generally they are used in Yellow/Amber Color LED's. ( Sometimes Red Color LED's are also used).

Warns in Advance about T- Junctions, obstructions, round about and other hazardous situation. Autonomous control, no switching on-off required. No risk of electric shocks etc.

Road Safety LED Blinkars and solar delinators Bangalore

Warning Blinkers , Highway solar Blinkers Dealers in Bangalore

We are the Dealers and Suppliers of Road Parking and Highway Safety Products in Bangalore Karnataka

Ais Bangalore Highway Road Paking Industrial Saferty

Safety Convex Mirror | Pillar Protectors | Road Speed Breaker | Safety Traffic Cone | Safety Tapes | Safety Barricades | Safety Delinators | Reflective Studs | Traffic Safety Solar | Wheel Stoppers | Dock Bumpers | Cable Protectors | Refelective jackets | Parking Accesseries | IRC Sign boards

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