Safety Cone, Traffic Cone, Nilkamal Cone, Hexagonal Cone Wholesalers Suppliers Dealers in Bangalore
We Supply folowing Models of Traffic Safety Cone |Low Price Traffic Safety Cone 1.5kg | Saffety Cone 750MM 2.1 kg Weight | Hexagonal Safety Cone with Rubber Base|Semi Flexible Traffic Cone 750MM Height
Hexagonal traffic Cone RSI Brand 750 MM | Hexagonal Traffic Cone Nilkamal 750mm | Plastic Chain for Safety cone PVC | PVC Safety Cone 3.5kg 750 MM | Hexagonal Traffic Cone 1000mm Height 5KG | PU Chain for traffic Safety Cone
Traffic cones are typically used outdoors during road work or other situations requiring traffic redirection or advance warning of hazards or dangers, or the prevention of traffic.
The wide, conical shape of the cone provides a large, stable base, which helps to prevent the cone from being easily knocked over by vehicles or other objects. This stability is important for ensuring that the cone remains in place and can effectively demarcate a specific area or lane on the road.
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